Blueriddle Cooperative Broadcasting Association
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Privacy Policy

Important: Additional privacy terms apply to users aged under 13 years. Please see below.

Blueriddle is a cooperative, based on the notion of members working for members. As a part of this, we want to make sure that you know our policies for collecting and using your personal information.

This policy was last updated on .

What we collect and why

We do not deliberately collect any personally identifiable information from casual visitors to our web site.

As with any web site, we do collect and log your computer's IP address whenever you view a page on our site. We may also use cookies on our site to enable some of its functionality. We do not store either piece of information in a personally identifiable state—that is, while we log the date and time of your visit and what pages you viewed, we do not identify you by name in our logs. While it may be possible to determine your identity from either of these, or both in combination, we will not normally do that, unless we suspect that you are abusing or trying to damage our site.

If you ask to join the cooperative, we will collect your name, email address, and information about your interests. We will then use your contact information in order to contact you with further information about joining the cooperative. We use information about your interests for statistical purposes, and to ensure that we have a balanced group of interests within our membership. Once you have joined, we will use your information for cooperative operations, such as verifying your identity, if necessary, contacting you with important announcements about the cooperative's business (such as meeting notices), and related purposes. We will not use your information for advertising to you.

If you sign up for an account on the forums, we will collect your user name and email address so that we, and (if you permit it) other forum users, can contact you. You may also add other material to your profile, but you are not required to do so. The forums make extensive use of cookies in order to track you as you browse: for example, to log you in automatically (if you select the Remember me function) and to keep you logged in during your visit.

How we share your information

We may share your information with third parties if necessary to conduct the cooperative's business. For example, we may give your name and address to a company that is preparing a mailing of a cooperative meeting notice. If we do this, we will require the third party to agree not to disclose your information any further without our permission, which we will only give if it is necessary to do so to complete the task we have contracted with the third party to perform, and if the information will not be disclosed any further.

We normally will not share our access logs (containing your IP address, the date and time of your visit, and what pages you visited) with any outside party.

We will not share your information with third parties for any outside marketing purposes.

If you sign up for an account on the forums, your user name, and select other information that you add to your profile, will be displayed to other users and visitors to the forums. They may use that information for purposes that are out of our control; therefore, we encourage you to use discretion when completing your profile.

We may provide your information to a third party if required by law or if we have been ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction to do so.

How to verify or remove your information

You may contact us at to ask us to verify, correct, or change your personal information. This includes requests for information on joining the cooperative, membership information, and forum registration information. You may also log into your forum account to change your registration information, or to delete your account.

You may also ask us to remove any personal information that we have from our records. Please note that we need to have your information in order to maintain your forum account or your cooperative membership. Therefore, if you ask us to delete your membership information or your forum account information, we will consider that as a request to terminate your cooperative or forum membership.

When writing, please identify yourself clearly and explain what you would like us to do. We may ask you for further information in order to verify your identity before making any changes.

We will not normally delete your information from our server logs, except under extraordinary circumstances. You may delete any cookies we have set by using the appropriate functionality in your browser; be aware, however, that this may interfere with the correct function of our web site or the forums.

How to limit communications

You may ask us to limit our communications with you. Write us at

If you have asked us to limit communications with you, we may still contact you for certain reasons, including (but not limited to):

You cannot limit these communications because they are necessary for the operation of the cooperative.

You may adjust your forum profile settings to limit the ability of other members to contact you. You may also limit communications from specific individuals by using the Friends and Foes function.

Updates to this policy

We may update this policy from time to time. We will post updated terms here, and we will generally announce major changes on the forums.

Children's Online Privacy Protection

In accordance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, we want to let you know about some other terms that apply to visitors under 13 years of age.


This Web site and forum are operated by the Blueriddle Cooperative Broadcasting Association, 4109 West Crystal Street, Chicago, IL 60651. You may contact us at with any questions or requests under this policy.

What we collect

We welcome children's membership in the cooperative. A child who applies for membership must provide us with his or her name, postal address, and email address, and may provide us with his or her telephone number. We use this information in order to provide the member with notices of cooperative business (such as general and special meetings and elections), to bill for membership dues, and similar activities. Children who apply for membership will be required to identify a parent or guardian who will be responsible for payment of membership dues, as well as for giving permission to participate in the cooperative.

Children who sign up for accounts on the forums must provide their contact information (user name, real name, and email address), so that we can manage operation of the forum and to allow the child to log in. Once signed up, the child has the option to add information to his or her forum profile. That information may include:

This information will be visible to anyone having access to the forums, but it is not required in order to use the forums. Children may also post personal information in the forums as they post other messages.

We will not routinely furnish children's personal information to third parties. If we employ an outside firm to prepare a bulk mailing to our membership (such as for a meeting notice), we may furnish the names and addresses of our child members so that the notices may be addressed properly, and for no other purpose, but we will not separate those from the names and addresses of our adult members.

Parental rights

Under the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, a parent (or legal guardian) of a child from whom we have collected information has certain rights to control or limit the use of that information.

We will not require a child to disclose any more information than is reasonably necessary to participate in the cooperative or its forum.

You have the right to review what personal information we have collected from your child. You may also ask us to delete all or any part of it, but if you do, we will terminate your child's membership in the cooperative (if you ask us to delete your child's cooperative membership information) or forum account (if you ask us to delete your child's user name, real name, or email address from that account). We will not terminate your child's access to the forums if you ask us to edit or delete any optional profile information.

You may also ask us to edit or delete any post or posts that your child has made to our forums by emailing us. We may ask for additional information to verify your identity if we are not able to do that based solely on your request and our records.

You may also agree to allow us to collect and use your child's personal information for cooperative membership, but not to disclose it to third parties. You do not have this option regarding your child's forum account, since availability of basic contact information is fundamental to operation of the forum, but you may have your child adjust his or her forum settings to restrict the ability to be private-messaged, or to remove profile information from view, or you may ask us to do this on your behalf.

Exercising your rights

We will contact you for permission before granting your child access to the forums. You need not give your permission, but if you do, you may revoke it at any time.

If you would like to review the information that we have collected from your child, or if you would like us to restrict our disclosure of that information or to delete it from our records, you may email us at, or write us at the address given above. Please provide us with your child's name and address, details of your request, and a way to contact you. We will respond promptly to all requests. If we cannot verify your identity, however, we may not act until we can.

Further information about the Act, including information about how to report a potential violation of the law, is available from the Federal Trade Commission.