Brave people are now wanted to help build a new cooperative online broadcasting network from the ground up.
People who can come up with a good idea, and the words to describe it.
People who can take the words the authors have written, and bring them to life.
People who can add the right emotional fillip to a production, or say a thousand things without saying a word.
Photographers, special effects hackers, video virtuosi, sound specialists, and all of the others who turn a performance into a work of art.
People who can pull all these things together to make a show.
The most important people of all—the ones for whom all of this is done.
One that combines the old with the new. One that brings together the best in original programming, sorts it, arranges it, and streams it out on a schedule. One that invites with open arms new makers and new content. One that brings them together into one place, ending the continual search for good online programming.
Blueriddle is a resource. For the people who make content, it's a meeting place, a way to get together and share ideas and skills, and get the tools they need to make better programs. For the viewers, it's a single place to get (and to support) original programming online, without all the hassle of searching it out.